Security doors and windows
Questions and answers

What elements is a GINKO security fixture made of?
The main feature of all our security fixtures lies in the extruded aluminium structure, designed to ensure long life. This structure is then reinforced both with ad hoc accessories and stainless steel/ballistic steel to obtain the optimum degree of safety.

What materials does GINKO use for its products?
For the structure of most of our security fixtures, we mainly use aluminium and stainless steel. We also use different materials, such as wood and porcelain stoneware, to obtain different surface coatings.

What performance is required for security/burglar-proof doors and windows?
In general, security/anti-burglary doors and windows can be certified according to increasing degrees of security: from RC1 to RC4 for residential environments, RC5 and RC6 for special and/or military environments. According to the particular needs of the place, we then proceed to choose the ideal fixture. The entire range of GINKO security fixtures is certified with the RC4 anti-burglary class, which is the highest possible degree for residential use and can reach FB6/NS degree of resistance to bullets.

Why install an internal anti-burglary door and not limit yourself to a security entrance door?
An internal security door allows you to compartmentalise the house and increase its security, especially if the house does not have other passive anti-burglary systems.

What is the difference between security/burglar-proof fixtures and bulletproof fixtures?
The difference between the two types of product is very significant. The anti-burglary resistance makes the security fixture capable of withstanding manual attacks, typically carried out with tools such as chisels, screwdrivers, crowbars and such. Resistance to bullets, on the other hand, indicates the window or door’s ability, thanks to its mass, to resist penetration from an exploded bullet at a certain power. An anti-burglary fixture is not necessarily bulletproof, just as a bulletproof fixture may not also be anti-burglary.

What certifications do GINKO products have?
In addition to the anti-burglary and bulletproof certifications, the entire range of security doors and windows with the GINKO brand has been subjected to the certifications required for the CE marking; air resistance, water tightness, resistance to wind load and noise reduction.

How can they choose doors and windows that best suit my environments?
Simply by contacting our specialists who, based on your project, will be able to indicate the products and accessories that best suit your specific safety and style needs.

What is GINKO’s patented “total overlap” system?
This is how we called the innovative door and frame coupling of our IKONA and IKONA WOOD security swing system. The “total overlap” system is specially designed to significantly reduce the perspective dimensions of the fixture.

Why choose aluminium for security doors and windows?
Because it is the only material currently available for the construction of windows that guarantees durability over time without any maintenance. Also from an environmental point of view, aluminium represents the ideal choice, since it is an entirely recyclable metal and, therefore, eco-sustainable.